Biggar Town Trail
Like many small towns with a long history, Biggar has a feeling of permanence about it, which makes it attractive to residents and visitors alike. But Biggar does evolve, slowly, as we consolidate resources, as businesses come and go, and as new generations take on the responsibilities of looking after both Biggar’s past and its future.
It is ten years since BDCH produced our Heritage trail leaflet, and it was felt that enough has changed to justify a revision. Most notably, the new Biggar and Upper Clydesdale Museum has brought together, on one new site, the material and records which were dispersed around Gladstone Court, Moat Park, and the Covenanters House.
It was also recognised that the document could be made more attractive and accessible, by reducing the number of words and increasing the print size. This has been done carefully, to avoid over-simplification, and to retain the essential historical information that makes Biggar what it is.
The leaflet provides a snapshot of Biggar. The curious reader, with more time to invest, can dig a lot deeper, by visiting the museum and exploring the town. The intention is to whet the appetite of visitors, to inform new residents that come here, and perhaps to open the eyes of some of us who have called Biggar our home for many years.
The leaflet is available to read and download here.